Monday, March 9, 2009

Escaping to the Dells

Well - here were are! After a white-knuckle 10 1/2 hour trip across southern Minnesota and Wisconsin (let's count - 4 semis, 10+ cars in ditches) we arrived at Glacier Canyon Lodge in the Wisconsin Dells.

We've driven by the exit many times but never stopped. Now we're here for a week. There are three indoor waterparks at this resort. It's a long (looooong) walk or a short shuttle ride from the condo to the waterparks. Very beautiful here - we'll get pics of the scenery today.

But tonight we were just glad to get here and super-pleased with our room. We have a 2 bedroom Presidential. We've never had a "Presidential" before - it's a new "level" for the Wyndham condos. Wow - the pics at will speak for themselves.

Way spiffier stuff than we're used to. We're going to enjoy this week.

Isaac couldn't wait to hit the waterpark - so he donned trunks and we headed to Klondike Canyon. There are some pics of that, too.
There's a 4-person water ride called the Hurricane. He highly recommends it. We'll see if the rest of us can handle it!

Got to go up and make some cinnamon rolls...

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