(A word about the unorthodox departure time - the air conditioning on the van was not working - so traveling in the cool parts of the day was the plan. Our destinations have been having unusually warm temps for this time of year.)
So off we went. A new father's day present - a GPS - was a welcome companion when we hit Yankton, SD. There's a very unique over/under one-lane bridge that had recently failed. So our detour took us over top of the dam on the river. The GPS didn't even have a road there - so we were "walking on water".
The passengers watched movies on a portable DVD player and played video games and generally avoided sleep until after 4 am. The driver avoided sleep altogether (phew!).
Daylight crept in as we made our way across the plains of Nebraska. Sunrise fired up the sky at Grand Island, NE. We made in impromptu breakfast stop at a beautiful HyVee store in Grand Island. Largest one we've ever seen.
Finally - sleep overtook the passengers (see photo for proof) and I-80 became our new home. A thunderstorm cleaned the accumulated bugs off the car (and luggage carrier) around North Platte, NE.
Upon entry into Colorado at Julesberg - we got some pictures at the birthplace of the Pony Express. The interstate was closed - so we got an impromptu journey across a landscape that looks less and less like South Dakota more and more.
Back on the interstate - we leisurely picnic lunched at another rest stop. As the temperature rose the van got louder as we opened the windows. So the nice breeze and reduction in volume was a welcome break.
We caught our first hazy glimpse of the mountains just outside of Denver. Our hotel was on the south side of Denver - and the easiest way to get there was to take the interstates that run right through it. We were re-acquainted with the concept of 8 lanes of traffic (and the cars to fill it) that we hadn't enjoyed (!) since Texas.
Our little GPS failed us - as the hotel was new and in a new part of town that didn't yet exist in its tiny mind. It tried to calculate us a route - but couldn't. Time to resort to the old-fashioned way - the map (and a phone call to the hotel). We arrived - but too early to check in - so we went to a brand new shopping mall to enjoy the air-conditioned comfort. We wandered about looking at scads of clothing stores we've never heard of and daren't go into! But Bath and Body Works was having a sale (surprise surprise) and we just HAD to go in. And HAD to buy stuff.
(and we'll HAVE to put it in airtight bags because the pressure change tomorrow - from past experience - will pop those tops and have them oozing all over...)
We checked in shortly after 3 pm and the new day's inn had absolutely gorgeous rooms. After a little chilling out it was time for dinner.
Well - it took us about an hour to find the place. Since our Trusty GPS didn't know where the hotel was (or where it was) it wasn't very helpful in telling us how to get to the restaurant. It was nigh upon rush hour and traffic was very heavy - and we were very hungry.
Then the pilot didn't want to listen to the GPS when it was telling us where to go (and it probably knew what it was doing)...so we basically happened upon the restaurant (after calling them for help). South Yosemite Street in Denver has a life of its own - let me tell you.
O'Shea's Tavern and Grill (http://www.osheastavern.com/) was the destination. If you are ever in Denver - we highly recommend it. See the pictures for proof of the fun and fare we had. An Irish lass was our terribly attentive waitress. We started off with Irish Nachos (home-made potato chips with corned beef, Swiss cheese, cabbage, green onions) and Herb-Crusted Calamari (even the little tentacle-ly ones were super).
Then we ordered all different items so we could taste each other's. It was all magnificent - Shepherd's Pie (with lamb), Mulligan Stew, Corned Beef and Cabbage, Angus burger, Salmon and Fillet Mignon (oh my goodness). We had a Dining Dough certificate that gave us $50 off if we spent over $100. Awesome.
Amy and I had some Irish beer that was superb (and powerful). Can't remember what is was called but it was terrific. Our waitress brought us samples so we could decide which one we wanted.
Finding our way back the hotel was much easier - and we were treated to some spectacular cloud formations (and a pending thunderstorm) on the way back.
Tomorrow - to the mountains!

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