It all started innocently enough. "we will have Ross drop us at the trail end at First Fork Bridge and he and Isaac can hike Ice Cave Ridge at the Trail head and we will meet them there" said Mr. Presume. "they will have to wait a little bit for us - but it will be ok."
They are not sure what went wrong. (Other than forgetting to tell N & P that theychanged their hiking plans - sorry).
They were dropped off at the trail's end at the First Fork bridge as planned at 10:30 am. They presumed it was a 5 mile hike to the William's Creek Bridge (according to word of mouth sources and you know how reliable those are) - and then a 3.5 mile hike to the Piedra Trail head from there (again distance given from the same w.o.m. source)
Matt and Amy P. are climbing a lot and keeping the river on the right to try and keep from getting lost. It is a beautiful trail. They don't remember 5 miles ever taking this long before - but they are not in the flat lands of South Dakota so they can't use their regular walking time as a guide.

The flowers are pretty. They grow out of the driest lands. But - they aren't taking much time to stop and smell them.
They knew we needed to cross 3 creeks before they'd get to William's Creek. The first was a puddle jumper - no sweat - great cuz the legs and lungs were getting pretty tired from climbing and climbing. Matt and Amy presume the others will be similar. The second was an adventure - it was running pretty fast and they had to cross it on a fallen tree.
Matt be nimble! Matt be quick - oops - Amy almost fell into the ragin' crick! (It's funny now, when they look back at it) :-) No photo op here - they were too busy trying to stay dry - lol.
Climbing again - up up up. The land is beautiful, peaceful. They finally see some horseback riders - who just say - "ya doing the whole trail?" And Mrs. Presume came across a man taking photos who commented - "you do know that you are doing this hike the hard way don't ya?"She'd started to get that idea.

At one point they came across an interesting stone marker. Was someone lost at some point? Wandering in the woods? Or does it have some other sort of significance? Is Jimmy Hoffa buried here?
The couple kept plugging away. The trail has to end soon. Mr. Presume was getting a little worried that they were on the wrong trail - even though they'd met up with a few people - but that seemed like hours ago.
"Mrs. Presume just kept thinking - as long as the river is on the right - we're ok. "
They still had another creek to go. His GPS battery had died and there was no cell signal to be had. They were truly alone out there.
At one point Matt suggested they turn back and try to get ahold of Ross to pick them up. Amy didn't think that was a good idea for a variety of reasons.
1. That seemed like giving up.
2. She didn't think we'd have a phone there either.
3.She'll stand on the edge of many a cliff - but I didn't want Ross driving that curvy windy road twice.
Finally creek numero tres - (I think Spanish when I'm tired ha ha). It had a bridge - hurray. Followed by a switch back that went up, up, up, up, up, up, up (you get the picture). Mr. Presume at this point is getting a second wind. Amy is on her diabetic end and know that they have pretty far to go yet.
Mr. Presume is waiting for Mrs. Presume at the top of the switch-back. She tried using a walking stick to go up that. She must have picked the heaviest stick in the forest - (which BTW - some of the trees looked like Fanghorn Forest for any LOTR fans - maybe it was just the low BS. )

The view at the top - and the breeze - almost/ok helped her recover a bit.
Matt is getting farther and farther ahead now. They are still remembering the mantra - keep the river on the right. The two see another bridge that is pretty low down - that can't be the WC bridge - I don't remember that much of a climb last year. Nope that bridge is over the actual river. They keep walking.
They see someone fishing. Good news - it isn't far at all now! Strange news - from where they began hiking - they will have covered 8.5 miles (mostly climbing) to the WC bridge. They information they received was wrong last year. The whole trail is not 8.5 miles - it is closer to 11. It is taking us longer - because of all the climbing and Amy having to slow down because of low BS. They still have no clue about what time it is.

When you are on the last part of the trail - there is a couple points where you can see Piedra Road. Amy presumed she saw the NaPa van going in the wrong direction. "NOOOOOOOO!" she shouted in her head. She picked up the pace as much as shecould.
Turns out Ross and Papa were looking for cell signal. Matt presumably found it at the trading post (a couple of great hikers gave him a ride down there. )
Ross and Papa picked us up at the Trail Head weary but in one piece! The trail head is 500 feet higher than the ending where Matt and Amy Presume started. No wonder they climbed so much.
When they made it to the van - there were many different exclamations - all repeatable btw - and some might have sounded like "I'll never hike that again! But now, as they sit here - having finished it and not quite as sore - maybe they will do it again someday.
Maybe - but with some changes - the biggest being - WE START AT THE TRAIL HEAD!
That's all for now -