We continued our trek Pagosa Springs-ward with a scenic run down the "Top of the Rockies" highway (Colorado Highway 91) from Copper Mountain to Fremont Pass to Leadville. That's "Led-vill" because the miner's considered the earth they were excavating to be "as heavy as lead".
We stopped at the top of Fremont Pass and the former town of Climax. Climax was relocated to Leadville when the mining companies realized the town was sitting on rich deposits of minerals. All that remains today is a small molybdenum mining operation - but there was a wonderful little outdoor museum detailing the rich history. If you're ever in the area there - take the time to stop and enjoy it!
We picnic lunched at windy Poncha Springs at a little mom-and-pop welcome center. Swung through Saguache to see Ramie's Drug Dealer...(see last year's pictures for that...) and stopped at the scenic overlook while entering Pagosa Country. Saw a surprising pile of Diet Pepsi trash which we found was a soda truck that took a spill on one of the hairpin switchbacks coming down from Wolf Creek Pass.
Checked into our Eagles Loft condo at about 3:30 PM and settled in for our weeks stay here. The geese are still prevalent and leaving their little presents all about (advice - don't go barefoot outside...).
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