Matt, Amy and Isaac finally hiked a part of the Continental Divide Trail. (full pics for the day) We've been trying to do this for about 4 or 5 years, this was the first time that the road up to the Trail head at Lobo overlook was open. This overlook is across from and above the Wolf Creek Ski Area so imagine how high you start and then you go up. But instead of hiking 3 miles up hill to get to the trail head, Lil' Red was able to get us all up there. We ended up at 11,700+ feet at the trail head.
We hiked out for about 40 minutes and then turned around and came back. Why? you may ask. Well - because we realized we were going down more often than climbing up and we didn't want to wear ourselves out on the first hike in high altitude. (that's our story and we're sticking to it). There were many grand views and beautiful picture spots on this hike. (FYI - our house in Austin is at 735 feet above sea level...This hike started at 11,700...)
When we finished at came back to the Radio Tower at the trail head, we walked over to the Lobo Overlook, had a snack and then climbed a very short way to the scenic view spot. And wow was that scene view-able!
Down the mountain we went - first stop our unnamed overlook where we did a little climbing and a little picture taking. For a little excitement we saw a camper that had to take the run away truck ramp. Not something I would ever want to have to do.
Then it was a stop just down the switchbacks at Treasure Falls. We did the half mile hike up to the Misty Deck - which for the first time for us, was not Misty at all. Isaac got brave and was climbing around below the Misty viewing area. For those of you who have joined us on this trip - he climbed down from the falls to the bridge, jumping from rock to log and trying to stay dry. I suppose "good" parents would not have let him do it. . . .instead we were encouraging him on with video and pictures. It's good practice for him if his life goal is to truly become a stunt man.
Now we are back at the condo, showered, fed and resting up (not resting and fed up...) for Monday's adventures.
Take care and God bless!
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