Sunday, July 16, 2017

Breakfast in the great smokies on Monday July the 31st

The Schnackenberger Meisterbergers (And Missesbergers) would like to invite you to their condo for a breakfast feast on the Monday morning of our vacation which happens to fall on the 31st of July.

Hmm. Wonder what they'll serve or what time they will serve it? Details follow soon they will.

1 comment:

GuelphNana said...

I believe that the Chris Weselohs also planned a breakfast meal, but I did not see it on the blog. And I do not remember what was planned by them. (Hm-m-m-m--maybe I made that one up!)
The truly ELDER Weselohs will likely do a supper meal -- to be decided later, if in fact we are given permission to make the trip.