Hey all -
sounds like we are totally coming up with a feeding frenzy plan for our vacation.
I didn't mean to sound like I can never feed the guys staying in our condo. Hope it didn't sound that way. Tom, and Aaron can come with Joe as well - they'll be like part of the family.
Just wanted all to feel like if they want to take off with their family to go do something other than at the condo - they didn't have to worry about what was for lunch or dinner - or the time of lunch and dinner. It's vacation - who wants to be on a schedule?
That being said - we'll let you know about the waffles. Glad everyone loves them (I can work on fruit or something to go with them).
love, amy
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Are you Jellin' for some Dellin'?
Weseloh's and Schackenbergs and Lueckes converge on the Wisconsin Dells at the end of July.
Are you ready...?
Are you ready...?
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Thursday - Piedra River Trail Matt & Amy's adventure

It all started innocently enough. "we will have Ross drop us at the trail end at First Fork Bridge and he and Isaac can hike Ice Cave Ridge at the Trail head and we will meet them there" said Mr. Presume. "they will have to wait a little bit for us - but it will be ok."
They are not sure what went wrong. (Other than forgetting to tell N & P that theychanged their hiking plans - sorry).
They were dropped off at the trail's end at the First Fork bridge as planned at 10:30 am. They presumed it was a 5 mile hike to the William's Creek Bridge (according to word of mouth sources and you know how reliable those are) - and then a 3.5 mile hike to the Piedra Trail head from there (again distance given from the same w.o.m. source)
Matt and Amy P. are climbing a lot and keeping the river on the right to try and keep from getting lost. It is a beautiful trail. They don't remember 5 miles ever taking this long before - but they are not in the flat lands of South Dakota so they can't use their regular walking time as a guide.

The flowers are pretty. They grow out of the driest lands. But - they aren't taking much time to stop and smell them.
They knew we needed to cross 3 creeks before they'd get to William's Creek. The first was a puddle jumper - no sweat - great cuz the legs and lungs were getting pretty tired from climbing and climbing. Matt and Amy presume the others will be similar. The second was an adventure - it was running pretty fast and they had to cross it on a fallen tree.
Matt be nimble! Matt be quick - oops - Amy almost fell into the ragin' crick! (It's funny now, when they look back at it) :-) No photo op here - they were too busy trying to stay dry - lol.
Climbing again - up up up. The land is beautiful, peaceful. They finally see some horseback riders - who just say - "ya doing the whole trail?" And Mrs. Presume came across a man taking photos who commented - "you do know that you are doing this hike the hard way don't ya?"She'd started to get that idea.

At one point they came across an interesting stone marker. Was someone lost at some point? Wandering in the woods? Or does it have some other sort of significance? Is Jimmy Hoffa buried here?
The couple kept plugging away. The trail has to end soon. Mr. Presume was getting a little worried that they were on the wrong trail - even though they'd met up with a few people - but that seemed like hours ago.
"Mrs. Presume just kept thinking - as long as the river is on the right - we're ok. "
They still had another creek to go. His GPS battery had died and there was no cell signal to be had. They were truly alone out there.
At one point Matt suggested they turn back and try to get ahold of Ross to pick them up. Amy didn't think that was a good idea for a variety of reasons.
1. That seemed like giving up.
2. She didn't think we'd have a phone there either.
3.She'll stand on the edge of many a cliff - but I didn't want Ross driving that curvy windy road twice.
Finally creek numero tres - (I think Spanish when I'm tired ha ha). It had a bridge - hurray. Followed by a switch back that went up, up, up, up, up, up, up (you get the picture). Mr. Presume at this point is getting a second wind. Amy is on her diabetic end and know that they have pretty far to go yet.
Mr. Presume is waiting for Mrs. Presume at the top of the switch-back. She tried using a walking stick to go up that. She must have picked the heaviest stick in the forest - (which BTW - some of the trees looked like Fanghorn Forest for any LOTR fans - maybe it was just the low BS. )

The view at the top - and the breeze - almost/ok helped her recover a bit.
Matt is getting farther and farther ahead now. They are still remembering the mantra - keep the river on the right. The two see another bridge that is pretty low down - that can't be the WC bridge - I don't remember that much of a climb last year. Nope that bridge is over the actual river. They keep walking.
They see someone fishing. Good news - it isn't far at all now! Strange news - from where they began hiking - they will have covered 8.5 miles (mostly climbing) to the WC bridge. They information they received was wrong last year. The whole trail is not 8.5 miles - it is closer to 11. It is taking us longer - because of all the climbing and Amy having to slow down because of low BS. They still have no clue about what time it is.

When you are on the last part of the trail - there is a couple points where you can see Piedra Road. Amy presumed she saw the NaPa van going in the wrong direction. "NOOOOOOOO!" she shouted in her head. She picked up the pace as much as shecould.
Turns out Ross and Papa were looking for cell signal. Matt presumably found it at the trading post (a couple of great hikers gave him a ride down there. )
Ross and Papa picked us up at the Trail Head weary but in one piece! The trail head is 500 feet higher than the ending where Matt and Amy Presume started. No wonder they climbed so much.
When they made it to the van - there were many different exclamations - all repeatable btw - and some might have sounded like "I'll never hike that again! But now, as they sit here - having finished it and not quite as sore - maybe they will do it again someday.
Maybe - but with some changes - the biggest being - WE START AT THE TRAIL HEAD!
That's all for now -
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Wednesday - Colorado High

Today Papa got to take a watercolor painting class and came home with a great work created in a new style.

The hikers (M, A, R, I) pushed it to the limit today - starting out their hike at the highest road point along highway 160 - Wolf Creek Pass. At the summit of the pass there are two continental divide trails (one running south and one running north).
First we tried to the south trail - only to find immediately upon entering the woods that it went from trail to snowdrift (with trail underneath). We tried this for a while - but decided
to try our hand at the other side (which was more of a known quantity for us because we tried it last year, too).

On the north side of the highway there is a road (Lobo Overlook 3 mi.) that leads to an observation area and microwave transmitters. The road is closed to vehicles (when covered by snow at any point) but open to hikers.
It's uphill all the way to an elevation of 11,720 - starting at 10,800. All of us reached our personal high points and lived to tell about it. We've even got photographic evidence.

It was exhausting and exhilarating!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Tuesday - Piedra Falls Hike
If you are ever in the Pagosa Springs area this is one hike that is totally worth the effort. It takes driving, a shortish hike/walk that at the end gives you an awesome reward - a double falls.
Our trip today started with a stop at the Lunch date geocache that was about half-way to our hike. While the cacher's were searching for their prize - the more adventurous ones were searching for photo ops on the cliff-side. We were rewarded with beautiful scenery. Amy discovered that while she she is not afraid at all of heights - she does have a little fear of her children being close to the cliff-side edge. She eventually had to send Isaac away from the edge because she just couldn't watch him any more. She however stayed there(how's that for a double standard). Ross was able to get some awesome photos, Amy was running our video camera while Matt was gazing at the awesome mountain vistas on the other side of the road.
When we were ready to move on from there i.e. - the sane were able to get the risk takers from the edge - we continued our drive on to Piedra Falls. All 6 of us traversed the path to the falls and stayed for quite a while - some climbing up rocks and down - some just staying down closer to the waters edge.
The afternoon and evening were just spent relaxing. This vacation spot has always been made for and filled with just that. Fun and relaxation.
Tuesday - Ballooning high over the San Juans

Monday - Reservoir Hill Hike
Monday morning we were greeted by another beautiful day and set off for our hike - one that only 3/6ths of us had ever attempted before. This one had many different trails amid the trees - so two of our photographers took pictures of the trail map in case we split up (on purpose or not) while hiking.
On the reservoir hill trail we spotted colorful flowers, long-eared squirrels and some deer eating in the distance, as we tried to find our way from one trail marker to the next. Our goal was a scenic over-look. Some of us took a rugged red-trail to the top and some took an "easy" green (not-always) trail, but we all made it. The geo-cacher's found their box and the one other of us just stood on the edge and went "ahhh".
We again took separate trails to the bottom and enjoyed the different things we found on this hike.
The rest of the day was spent relaxing and enjoying the warm sun - temps have been mid 70's in the lower elevations in the sun - higher elevations are a little cooler.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sunday - Treasures galore
We started off Sunday with a devotion and Trinity Sunday sermon from Shepherd of the Valley in West Fargo. Then on to grocery shopping.
Finally - some fun stuff - an always rewarding hike to Treasure Falls. It's about 15 miles out of Pagosa Springs and it's a perfect hike. Nice workout for a wonderful reward (the beautiful Treasure Falls). The parking lot is situated so that you get to see the falls from afar - and then at the end of the hike you get to see, hear, and feel the falls up close and personal. If you go up to the Misty Deck you will get wet!
Today we were treated to a brief hailstorm on the hike - which passed by so quickly that even the rain that fell was dry in 10 minutes.
Then back to Pagosa for some chillin' and grillin'. The "Higher Grounds" coffee shop and Pagosa Brewery were stops on the way back to the condo. We're quaffing a growler of Eagle ESB (whatever that means) from the brewery. It's pretty tasty!
Saturday - On to Pagosa

We continued our trek Pagosa Springs-ward with a scenic run down the "Top of the Rockies" highway (Colorado Highway 91) from Copper Mountain to Fremont Pass to Leadville. That's "Led-vill" because the miner's considered the earth they were excavating to be "as heavy as lead".
We stopped at the top of Fremont Pass and the former town of Climax. Climax was relocated to Leadville when the mining companies realized the town was sitting on rich deposits of minerals. All that remains today is a small molybdenum mining operation - but there was a wonderful little outdoor museum detailing the rich history. If you're ever in the area there - take the time to stop and enjoy it!
We picnic lunched at windy Poncha Springs at a little mom-and-pop welcome center. Swung through Saguache to see Ramie's Drug Dealer...(see last year's pictures for that...) and stopped at the scenic overlook while entering Pagosa Country. Saw a surprising pile of Diet Pepsi trash which we found was a soda truck that took a spill on one of the hairpin switchbacks coming down from Wolf Creek Pass.
Checked into our Eagles Loft condo at about 3:30 PM and settled in for our weeks stay here. The geese are still prevalent and leaving their little presents all about (advice - don't go barefoot outside...).
Friday - Up, up and away

We continued our journey on Friday with a trek from Grand Island, NE (elevation - 1,853 feet) to Dillon, CO (elevation - 8,390 feet).
We picnicked at the Colorado Welcome center in Julesberg, CO and ended the day with the "Old Dillon Reservoir" hike. Wow - what a finish!
Two geocaches found - Kiddies Kache and Old Dillon Reservoir.
Thursday - A musical journey

We started our trek with a stop at the National Music Museum at Vermillion, SD.
Wow - what a wonderful journey into the world of making music. They have a multi-media tour (you get a Dell Axim PDA and a pair of headphones) where you get to hear, see and learn much more about exhibits in all the galleries and hallways.
Among the many wonders - we all saw our first Stradivarius violin, cello AND guitar! A crutch that's also a guitar. Hardanger fiddles. A piano with 7 pedals. And a complete gamelan ensemble from Java (commissioned and built for the museum). We even were treated to a gamelan rehearsal while we were there.
We finished our trek for the day in Grand Island, NE at the Travelodge motel. We were very pleasantly surprised at the very nice accomodations. We used our Wyndham Reward Points to pay for the room - so it was "free"...so to speak.
We dined at chez Pizza Hut. Pzone's all around...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Back to Pagosa - in 2 weeks!
We're preparing for a return to Pagosa Springs, Colorado in June. Join us for the journey...
Monday, March 9, 2009
Escaping to the Dells
Well - here were are! After a white-knuckle 10 1/2 hour trip across southern Minnesota and Wisconsin (let's count - 4 semis, 10+ cars in ditches) we arrived at Glacier Canyon Lodge in the Wisconsin Dells.
We've driven by the exit many times but never stopped. Now we're here for a week. There are three indoor waterparks at this resort. It's a long (looooong) walk or a short shuttle ride from the condo to the waterparks. Very beautiful here - we'll get pics of the scenery today.
But tonight we were just glad to get here and super-pleased with our room. We have a 2 bedroom Presidential. We've never had a "Presidential" before - it's a new "level" for the Wyndham condos. Wow - the pics at http://picasaweb.google.com/matt.weseloh/March92009GlacierCanyonDells will speak for themselves.
Way spiffier stuff than we're used to. We're going to enjoy this week.
Isaac couldn't wait to hit the waterpark - so he donned trunks and we headed to Klondike Canyon. There are some pics of that, too.
There's a 4-person water ride called the Hurricane. He highly recommends it. We'll see if the rest of us can handle it!
Got to go up and make some cinnamon rolls...
We've driven by the exit many times but never stopped. Now we're here for a week. There are three indoor waterparks at this resort. It's a long (looooong) walk or a short shuttle ride from the condo to the waterparks. Very beautiful here - we'll get pics of the scenery today.
But tonight we were just glad to get here and super-pleased with our room. We have a 2 bedroom Presidential. We've never had a "Presidential" before - it's a new "level" for the Wyndham condos. Wow - the pics at http://picasaweb.google.com/matt.weseloh/March92009GlacierCanyonDells will speak for themselves.
Way spiffier stuff than we're used to. We're going to enjoy this week.
Isaac couldn't wait to hit the waterpark - so he donned trunks and we headed to Klondike Canyon. There are some pics of that, too.
There's a 4-person water ride called the Hurricane. He highly recommends it. We'll see if the rest of us can handle it!
Got to go up and make some cinnamon rolls...
Monday, January 12, 2009
WVR @ Glacier Canyon address/contact info
Wyndham Vacation Resorts at Glacier Canyon
45 Hillman Road
Lake Delton WI 53940
45 Hillman Road
Lake Delton WI 53940
WVR @ Glacier Canyon waterpark info
You need an "I'm a guest of this resort" wristband to get into the waterparks.
You receive one wristband for the maximum capacity of the unit you are in. Ex. a 1 Bedroom deluxe sleeps 4 - so that would be 4 wristbands.
There are 3 or 4 indoor and 3 or 4 outdoor waterparks. In the summer they all are open. In the winter and non-peak times only 2 of the indoor parks are open all the time. The other indoor park is open on the weekends.
You receive one wristband for the maximum capacity of the unit you are in. Ex. a 1 Bedroom deluxe sleeps 4 - so that would be 4 wristbands.
There are 3 or 4 indoor and 3 or 4 outdoor waterparks. In the summer they all are open. In the winter and non-peak times only 2 of the indoor parks are open all the time. The other indoor park is open on the weekends.
Wyndham Vacation Resort @ Glacier Canyon
WVR @ Glacier Canyon shares a lobby and property with Glacier Canyon Resort. This is one of the Wilderness Territory resorts.
There are several indoor and outdoor waterparks, golf courses, a hiking trail, snow tubing hill, laser tag, mini golf, etc.
There is, sadly, no longer a Lake Delton. Apparently a berm/levee gave way after record rainfall and the lake ran into the Wisconsin River (and ran away). There are some dramatic YouTube videos of it happening. But it seems they're going to be refilling it.
But fishing opportunities on the Wisconsin River and numerous area lakes abound. Fishing boats/trailers can be parked on the property (unlike many other Wyndham resorts).
They have WiFi in the lobby - but not in the condos.
There are several indoor and outdoor waterparks, golf courses, a hiking trail, snow tubing hill, laser tag, mini golf, etc.
There is, sadly, no longer a Lake Delton. Apparently a berm/levee gave way after record rainfall and the lake ran into the Wisconsin River (and ran away). There are some dramatic YouTube videos of it happening. But it seems they're going to be refilling it.
But fishing opportunities on the Wisconsin River and numerous area lakes abound. Fishing boats/trailers can be parked on the property (unlike many other Wyndham resorts).
They have WiFi in the lobby - but not in the condos.
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